The project Smart Factory Lab aims at building a laboratory of technology across locations for development and testing of innovative technologies, methods and concepts for intelligent production throughout the product's life cycle. At the Institute for Smart Production of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, the focus is on the research topics Preemptive Maintenance including the integration of mixed reality technologies within the servicing process and additive manufacturing by powder jet method and thus related new business models. The demarcation of the key subject will be coordinated with the research firm PROFACTOR which mainly deals with the human-centered assistive production. It is planned to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of Upper Austrian firms with more flexible production technologies, to enhance the productivity and resource efficiency and secure jobs at the business location Upper Austria.
The project Smart Factory Lab is funded by the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE) and the funding program Investment in Growth and Jobs 2020 (IWB) of the state of Upper Austria. For more information go to and
Fact Table
Smart Factory Lab, IWB 2014 - 2020
01/2016 - 07/2021
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Campus Hagenberg, Steyr and Wels, Profactor GmbH
"European fund for regional Development (EFRE)" and "Investment in Growth and Jobs 2020 (IWB2020)" of the country of Upper Austria (,
One major goal of the project is the dissemination of gained insights in form of public talks, workshops with corporate partners from industry and publications in scientific journals and magazines.
Das Team des Smart Factory Labs organisiert einen eigenen Open Track bei der diesjährigen International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM 2021 17.-19. November 2021)) mit dem Titel “Smart Production Revisited: Challenges, Failures and Learnings”.
The development of novel methods and concepts in the fast moving field of Industry 4.0 demands the employment of cutting edge technology. Hence, one key factor for this project's research success relies in the infrastructure which has been setup and made possible with the received funds.
High Performance Computing
Campus Hagenberg
Generating prognosis models as well as evaluating them on a data stream in real time are applications where a High Performance Computing infrastructure is of inevitable need. We are using a Blade Server System and taking advantage of HeuristicLab Hive as scheduling software for our algorithmic experiments in order to work towards Preemptive Maintenance.
AR / VR Technology
Campus Steyr
Virtual and Augmented Reality glasses such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or Microsoft's Hololens are one of the hottest topics in entertainment industry. With their rapid development they gain more and more interest from production and assembling, where they can serve as human assistance in many ways. Leveraging their and other AR / VR technology's full potential by prototyping with them is one focus of Smart Factory Lab.
Laser Deposition Welding
Campus Wels
3D-print is one of the main driving forces of what is known as lot size one in production industry. The DMG Mori Lasertec 65 3D integrates a metal-powder using laser deposition welding system into a 5-axis milling machine, and therefore enables the production of metal works with high precision. Thus, it is the perfect tool to research in the area of additive manufacturing and contribute to it.