Das Team des Smart Factory Labs organisiert einen eigenen Open Track bei der diesjährigen International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM 2021 17.-19. November 2021)) mit dem Titel “Smart Production Revisited: Challenges, Failures and Learnings”.

Kurzbeschreibung: The topic of smart production has attracted many researchers and industry experts over the past years, leading to innovative methodological approaches and promising implementations. Driven by the pursuit of innovation and the goals determined by public research funding institutions, scientific publications as well as technical magazines are prominently covering these success stories. Less rewarding discourses considering cost-benefit analysis or the problems and failures down the road to success are granted comparably little space. This bias in conservative and popular scientific dissemination entails unrealistically high expectations amongst all stakeholders on the verge of a smart production mission. This track aims to collect and persist the hard lessons learned, which may eventually help others to pave the way for a successful transition from smart production concept to implementation. Therefore, researchers are invited to scientifically recapitulate experiences and results from recent projects linked to smart production with focus on what did not quite went as intended, challenges to be overcome, tradeoffs to be made, viable off-text book solutions found, open problems etc. Topics of interest include any kind with link to smart production. Contributions may cover:

  • Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality: Usefulness of XR solutions in industry context
  • Additive Manufacturing: Overcomplex geometries, unsuitable raw material
  • Predictive Maintenance: breakdown prediction horizon and reactivity vs. prediction confidence and accurracy; maintenance operator scheduling
  • AI & Machine Learning in Industry: challenging data quality and quantity, data preprocessing effort, domain expert acceptance and trust

Wir freuen uns auf rege Teilnahme und spannende Diskussionen rund um das Thema Smart Production.